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Rail is an important element of Tactran’s Regional Transport Strategy and Delivery Plan.  Section 5.7 of the Tactran RTS 2015-2036 Refresh outlines the detailed strategy for Rail and section 7 of the associated Tactran RTS Delivery Plan 2016-2021 provides details of Rail projects.  Progress on individual projects is reported appropriately at Partnership Meetings.

Local Rail Development Fund (LRDF) Tay Cities Park and Choose Strategy

Local Rail Development Fund (LRDF) Bridge of Earn

Local Rail Development Fund (LRDF) Stirling

Tay Cities

East Coast Mainline Authorities

Tay Estuary Rail Study (TERS) (2014)

Tay Estuary Rail Study (TERS) (2011)

Tay Estuary Rail Study (TERS) (2009)

Tactran Rail Station Origin & Destination Survey